· By Scott Christ
To Maximize Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) After 40, Do This
Once you hit your 40s, your muscles begin to naturally shrink and you become less efficient at turning protein into muscle.
This causes many adults to turn to rapid weight loss diets, which absolutely destroy your body composition and your metabolism because 30 - 40% of the lost weight will come from lean tissue (muscle).
Here’s how to maximize muscle protein synthesis (MPS) after 40:
Eat at least 30-40 grams of protein your first meal of the day
The average American eats about 12 grams of protein at breakfast, which is inadequate to enter an anabolic state. In other words, the protein here gives you nothing but calories–you get no improvements in body composition from eating it.
Aim for at least 30 grams of protein with each ensuing meal
You need about 2.5 grams of the amino acid leucine per meal to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which equals around 30 grams of protein. Until you get enough leucine, protein synthesis won’t run at 100%. This results in a lack of adequate protein, leaving you in a catabolic state, where lean tissue is broken down.
Drink twice as much water
If you shift to a higher-protein diet, you should drink 50% more water than you were drinking before. Protein is hygroscopic, which means it attracts water like iron filings to a magnet.
Don’t drink alcohol on days you lift
Alcohol devastates your body’s ability to regenerate and repair muscle and get it ready for a subsequent workout. Regularly consuming more than one or two drinks a day is not recommended if you’re trying to maximize muscle protein synthesis and lose weight/gain muscle.
End the day with a high-protein meal
People who consume protein prior to sleep see a greater increase in muscle mass and strength. Try a high-protein meal with at least 30-40 grams of protein as your last meal of the day. But watch the sugary, carb-laden snacks. Stick with sugar-free protein shakes, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, and seeds.
✓ Eat at least 30-40 grams of protein with each meal
✓ Drink twice as much water
✓ Don’t drink alcohol on days you lift